Thursday, January 15, 2015

Modern Day Culture is a Benefit or a Letdown by Charles-Xavier DoyonBarrieau

According to world society, 97% of children play video games and half of this percentage have great problems of communication and interacting with society. Those video games are ruining society's youth which could make the upcoming générations worse. Modern day culture is ruining today's generations and the upcoming ones. They are ruined by both video games and today's junk food. I will explain this whole situation by the inside out.
Firstly, modern day culture is ruining childhood by the intoduction of video games. The youth today have a hard time to communicate without using technology, because they think it is something they take for granted. In fact, it is kind of the technology that takes the youth for granted; kind of brainwashing them.Taking the first example; 97% of children play video games and half can not control and communicate with others without technology. That is half of children getting ready to lose a great part of life with this always on their minds.  Imagine if a huge worldwide breakdown and no more technology can be used for one week. Personally, people would go nuts and start fighting and revolting against this hazard. People that are hardcore gamers need to learn to think outside of the box and not about video games.

Secondly, today's youth is affected  by obeisity with all the junk food they eat. If you thought technology was a big issue, guess again. Obeisity has been one of the biggest impact on today's youth because of the modern culture food; junk food. For each children in the world today, here is a 50% chance of every kid when they are or to be obese or not. This percentage is so high that it has been affecting people for years and years and generations through generations. This problem is now targeting the youth generation and upcoming ones. If you think obeisity is only affected by the food; that's not right either because laziness, not doing sports and video games are also making it worse.  Even if you eat really well on a daily basis, you can still become obese because you might not do sports for example. The youth is also influenced by others to do the same which could make you obese. Youth like to be influenced by others but need to be influenced for the right things and not the bad ones.

In conclusion, today's modern day culture is affecting our youth and upcoming youth generations. They are affected by both video games (technology in bigger format) and obeisity. If we look at  today's percentages of youth affected by these two problems, our future is not looking too promising. This can change in a matter of weeks or months but the condition is to change and be able to live with them and in a respectable way. Respecting this condition will guarantee a great future for people and the next generations of youth.


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