Sunday, December 15, 2013

Is ''Generation Y'' More Self-Centered Than Earlier Generations? By: Samantha Dion

    Is ''Generation Y'' More Self-Centered Then Earlier Generations?

      Did you ever notice that teenagers these days, also known as "Generation Y" are more selfish and self-centered than previous generations? People say that, these days, teenagers are more confident then before. A lot of college students love themselves even more than ever before. Most of today's young artists are more self-centered too .

       Today, people consider teenagers as being more confident, selfish, arrogant and have a negative attitude.(Remember that not all teenagers are like this, but most of them are). Some teenagers do a lot of risk taking things like using a lot of drugs and alcohol than before. which is bad for their health. Most teens are
 really ambitious, but they are less hard workers then in the previous generations due to the fact that they are lazy. These kinds of behaviors are even found in songs made by young artists. Now days singers use more often the words ' I ' and 'we' then 'us' and 'we'. The songs are mostly about one person, the singer. Based on, in 2012, over 81% of teenagers used social networks. The numbers just keep increasing and teenagers can be influenced more easily. Also Being a teenagers these days is harder due to all the online bullying which can make teens a lot more on guard when anyone tells them a simple joke or critic.

      Lastly, late adolescents and college students have a higher self esteem then before. Which may result as being arrogant. It is seen in a lot of teens. Students crave the attention, they would do anything to get it. They will also use anything to get more of it. According to, this crave for attention may be due to the fact that some teens have parents who don't give them enough, and they try to get it from somewhere else. The way a parent raises their children may affects them highly while being a kid, a teenager and as parents. It is also more easy to get more attention with social media.

   To conclude, a lot of teenagers today are being more arrogant and risk taking then before. Social media's and songs are more selfish and self-centered then before. Teenagers use too many different social medias, that it is more easy for them to get influenced by someone or something. Also, college students have a greater self-esteem then they use too. They want more and more attention and get a lot with media. They are born in a generation where electronics are everywhere and used for mostly everything people do.

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1 comment:

  1. I think there's things that "your" generation - or the "i-generation" - can do better. But, at the same time, I think there's a lot of good things that your generation does, which unfortunately goes unnoticed!
