Thursday, December 12, 2013

How Has Traveling Affected You? By Shayna Quessy

     Traveling has affected me in such way that it is now a part of me. How has traveling affected you? Traveling can affect you in good or bad ways by good or bad events. It made me want to travel more, helped and made me want to learn about other cultures and finally made me understand what life was all about.

    Traveling is a part of me. The first time I took the plane I was only a baby. Some time later when I could remember taking the plane and going to France, I was fascinated. Thinking that we live in a big city, a big town but it actually is so small ,for we live in such a big world. When I was young, I wanted to travel the whole world and see all that life could offer. Since then I dream of traveling, of going all over the world. The effects of taking the plane and going to France was huge; it made me want to travel and made me see the world in a whole different way. People sometimes ask you where would you want to go the most in the whole world? Well ,I, for one would have trouble answering that question, there are so many places you could go. This the way that travelling has affected me, the fact that I would have trouble choosing when you could go so many places.

   We are all different, different cultures, faith, traditions and such. Traveling has made me aware of the cultures in the world, the different traditions or the different kind of food. It has helped me learn that we all have our differences and that we aren't all that different at the same time. When I travel, I look forward to meeting new people or learning new things about the way of life for other people all around the world. Traveling has taught me that we all deserve the same rights no matter where we come from, it has inspired me to learn more about the cultures all around the world.

   Life, whats the point of life if we live to die and die to live? Well life is about taking chances, living your life to the fullest with many different experiences. We want to be free to run around wild and happy and to get the best memories ever.  Traveling is one thing i'll look back on when i'll be older. I'll look back when i'm older and wonder why I never went there, there or there. That's what traveling has taught me, it has taught me that the things you are most afraid to do are usually the most worthwile. I used to be scared to take the plane on my own, but now I know that I can live my experiences of my own and they will be the ones I will remember & cherish the most.

In conclusion, traveling can teach you many things only if you let it. Traveling can affect you in good or bad ways ,but I can only see the good ways it has affected me. Traveling has affected me by the way that I now want to travel more, that I now
 want to learn about different cultures and has helped me see what life was truley about.

1 comment:

  1. I love traveling! The world is so big and I'd like to see it all - I just wish that flights weren't so expensive! I look forward to discovering Ecuador with you and the others!
