For example when we have what teachers calls a bad class which is usually a certain group of people fooling around and ruining it for everyone, they give us extra homework, to so that we can learn since most of the time it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic we are discussing, but as punishment. It is rare in today's society that a teacher gives homework for the benefit of the students.
Teachers give us about 5-10 mins of homework that helps us but after we get about another 10-15 mins of homework that helps us in no way except to lose time. Time that students could be passing outside with friends taking fresh air after a hard days work or time to do what they feel like doing. Students always complain because they have no time to do what they want because first they get homework but there parents also give them chores and etc so they have no time to do what they want.
With all the homework teachers give us in every course we have students lose interest in there home work but not only the homework some completely lose interest in school. By giving too much homework teachers make students lose interest in homework and school and if that happens students grades are likely to be considerably lowered, all this because of homework.
In conclusion homework doesn't help us at all, a considerable amount of homework per course every day leads to lower grades by loss of interest in school, students have no time for themselves, and homework nowadays is used as a certain form of psychological torture.
Do you really believe: "It is rare in today's society that a teacher gives homework for the benefit of the students." Or, was this just an generalized statement? I'd like to think that I'm conscious of the homework that I give and it's relevancy.